

Other Sites I’ve done
[Nigel May Garden Design]
This site is still under construction and probably always will be, I’ve done some great PHP stuff in that that allows Nigel to update his own online portfolio without needing to know any web skills.
Anyway, he’s a great designer so if you want a great garden then pay him a visit!
[Alien Breed Remake Site]
I was having a play with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Anyway, it seems you can do some really cool looking stuff with CSS, however, to my horror this page doesn’t display correctly with Internet Explorer.
I’ve kept the page as it is however as the site is not commerical, really it’s just a pretty download site so the not 100% on all browers issue isn’t really a problem, just download Opera, Firefox or Mozilla 🙂
Friends and Enemies
[Grey Alien Games]
A fellow game programmer / web designer / tech whore… He’s got some interesting stuff on site, free games and little apps and on top of that will basically sell anything he can do for your dirty money.
[Binary Moon]
Another fellow game programmers site, Ben has helped me out with models on Lander. He’s writing a hover board game that looks fantastic.
[Petulas 4 Favourite Things ]
Mike, a totally bonkers bloke who’s website is something to be confused about, however, worth a look for a laugh. I used to play in this band too!
This is Maffs site, he’s a car buff, computer nurd and work college… what more can I say… Oh he’s got some ‘fascinating’ stories about car restoration too.
[The Vampire]
Chaz… I wish I had some idea what the hell this site is about… It’s an interesting read though!
[Acronym Finder]
Really handy if you ever need a quick reference, also this links to the thesaurus online too.
This is dead handy sometimes, also quite an eye opener when you just randomly type in words!
[Physics Lab]
Loads of physics stuff here, all with java souce code so you can deconstruct it as you like.
[Blitz Basic]
Blitz is the language I have chosen to write my stuff in. It’s fantastic for writing games quickly and reletivly easily. The forum is fantasic for help and the free updates come frightenly quickly. Check it out if you’re interested in games programming but don’t want to learn C++ and DirectX.
[Milk Shape]
Milkshape is a cheap and easy low poly modeller, like blitz has a great following and again free updates left, right and centre.
[Blue Snake]
If you’re ever short of a wierd present this is the place to go, from boxing nuns to devil rubber ducks, it’s all here.
[UnAmerican Activities]
This guy airs plenty of interesting comments and views, also has a great range of stickers, tee-shirts and mugs with entertaining graphics on them.
A great place to pick up DVDs at sensible prices.